Saturday, September 20, 2008

You arn't the only one who hears your prophecy

I was listening to a Kris Vallotton message on my iPod yesterday at work. He said so much good stuff I cant even begin to summarize it all. But my title is one of the things that struck a chord with me. I actually found myself laughing out loud, which brought some strange looks from my co-workers. Satan listens to your prophecy, and he will do everything in his power to keep it from coming to pass.

And that is where I am now.


I hate that word and everything that it means. Because in reality, cancer is so much more than a disease. It is a tool of the forces of darkness. Satan wields cancer like a sword, and he is using it to destroy millions of people every single year. The numbers are astonishing. And we as a country have been backed into a corner in fear of it. We are trying everything in our power to keep ourselves free from this ultimate betrayal, the rebellion of our body against itself.

My mom was diagnosed yesterday; on the same day a close friend of mine lost his mom to breast cancer. This should make you angry, because this is not acceptable. It is our job as apostles to change things. In heaven there is no cancer. And we are all called to make the kingdoms of this world the Kingdom of our God.

To all of you who are praying for my mom, thank you. But this is bigger than just her. This is a spirit that needs to be bound up and sent to bow before the throne of Jesus. I encourage all of you to fast a meal and pray for the spirit of cancer to be absolutely destroyed in the earth.

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