Today I promised myself that I would write here more.
For me really, not for anyone else; though your feedback is appreciated.
I feel that there is a huge change taking place inside of me. I am not sure if this is good or bad. But I know that I am not the same person today that I was about three months ago. This has very little to do with Bethel and more to do with living in the real world for more than a few minutes. Things are hard out here! My mom has cancer. My sister is mad, and she is leaving to live with my dad. My dad is an idiot, I have told this too him to his face several times, so don’t worry, that’s not gossip. I don’t know where all my friends have run off too, almost certainly to live lives that are much more enjoyable than mine. I do not have a charmed life.
On top of all of that, this election has made me question what I believe and more importantly why I believe it. I voted for Barak Obama. There I said it. I would go into an extensive explanation of why, but it’s just not worth the effort because I can’t win with everyone.
Yesterday I posted a bulletin about people sending me emails assaulting Barak Obama’s character. Honestly these emails swayed me to the left, rather than the right. I don’t understand how people who stand for truth can promulgate so many rumors and lies!
And then I started thinking about my programming. You see I have been reading these books set in the future where doctors can program minds to be less aggressive, more agreeable and positive, thereby making them very passive and enjoyable to be around. Alternately they can also enhance traits to make super aggressive violent people. The thing is that all the people in this book have no idea that their mind has been messed with; it just feels natural to them. Only a handful of doctors know that they are controlling the population through this surgery. Think about this. We were not born predisposed to our opinions, every leason we ever learned shaped and molded us into who we are now.
Who and what were you shaped by?
And are you ok with the shape you are in?
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