highest salary takes this fantastic package of brains and skills....
I can dream cant I ? :)
This is what my outbox looks like as of about 4 minutes ago.
And all I've gotten so far is two interviews and an informational meeting.
One of those interviews was for a furniture store doing auditing. The lady basically said in the interview that she knows she should be paying more, but she knows how hard the job market is, so she figures she can get someone to do it for less. Is that legal? Oh well if it’s not, because I can honestly say that if she offered me the job I would take it in a heartbeat and a half.
Can someone say desperate?
The other interview wasn’t really an interview at all; it was a pre screening for Wells Fargo. That would be a great job, so I really hope I get that one.
Or one of the 6 positions I applied for with Blue Shield of CA.
All of this job searching has had me thinking about what my perfect job would actually be. I can think if two.
#1 Is being Bill Johnson’s personal assistant.
#2 Is either owning my own business, or helping someone else build up their own creative business.
More tomorrow (still spelling it out in my head).
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